Hi Folks,This week we have a look at some of the Stage Cards in their final layout, minus some tweaks here and there. The Stage Cards are a support tool for the game and the same text will be included in the Stage Rules PDF that backers will receive as part of their reward. Depending on space, we may look to include all of the unlocked Stage Rules directly into the core book. We’ll let you know how it plays out.

Pre-Order Store
Still only US and UK orders for now. We’ll open up the pre-order store to the other regions by the end of next week.
General DV News
Solemn Vale = Currently in art and layout.
The Sigma Syndrome = Writing complete and in art and Layout. We’ll be getting the playtest packet going out on the week of 23-Aug-2021. If interested in participating, join up to our FB page.
All Vampires Must Die = Just moved into writing and development. Crowdfunding Q1 2022
Wyrd Noir = A stand alone Anthology series using the Wyrd Abacus rules and set within the wider SIGMA World offering new micro settings and story modules. Release Q1 2022.
Summer of Strange = A micro setting within SIGMA World that uses the Wyrd Abacus rules. Writing complete and in dev. Release Q4 2021
Meridian = Outlined. Will move to writing late 2021/early 2022
InDeKoRuM = A 5e setting. Working on outline. Will move to writing early/mid 2022
Shade 5e = Outlined. Will move to writing early/mid 2022
The Wyrd Ones = We’ll be starting up a Patreon for folks interested in a range of monsters and ttRPG paraphernalia for use with 5e and other games but with a Dirty Vortex spin.
Deco Dice = We’re hoping to have the gemstone pre-order and limited season 2 release Q1 2022.OK, that’s about it for this week’s update. If you want to be kept in the loop on all things Dirty Vortex, be sure to sign up to our newsletter, aka The Hex List, for all the latest news and releases.
Stay Wyrd!
The DV Team

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Solemn Vale Pre-Order: https://solemn-vale.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
SolemnValeFacebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2036226089767650
The Sigma Syndrome Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/728795854185479
Dirty Vortex Newsletter aka The Hex List: https://content.dirtyvortex.net/hexlist
Social Media Web: https://dirtyvortex.net Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dirtyvortex
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DirtyVortex