Hi Folks,
As we stride into the new year we’re on the home stretch to getting Solemn Vale finished up. At this point it’s mostly all about getting the remainder of the artwork finished. We’re getting there, slowly but surely. With that in mind, today’s update includes two spreads from the magic section of the Wyrd Abacus rules chapter detailing the use of Wards and Spells.
We’ll continue with the regular updates though information will be pretty minimal as we push to get the book finished and out to backers.
Important things like BackerKit survey, finalizing address etc have not yet been sent/requested so no need to worry on that. We’ll have plenty of reminders once those things are set to go.

The DV Team
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Dirty Vortex Newsletter aka The Hex List: https://content.dirtyvortex.net/hexlist
Solemn Vale Pre-Order: https://solemn-vale.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
Solemn Vale Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2036226089767650
The Sigma Syndrome Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/728795854185479
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Social Media
Web: https://dirtyvortex.net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dirtyvortex
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DirtyVortex